Stop doing what you’re good at…

thOver the years I’ve read numerous books and articles on productivity, time management, goal setting, etc. It’s amazing how many ways there are to set goals and plan your day…lol. Everyone has their own spin on being more focused and productive.

With your permission, I’d like to share some of the more “outside the box” ideas that I’ve read. Enjoy!

#1:  Stop doing what you’re good at. 

Sometimes, the most counterintuitive leadership lessons are the most helpful, like this one. Stop doing ONLY what you’re good at. Take the time to schedule activities that either you’re not good at or scare you to death. We can only grow when we’re stretched. Often, more times than not, we do what’s easy or natural and put aside what’s difficult or important. It’s human nature. However, it’s wrong.

This weekend, plan your Monday by stepping out of your comfort zone. Instead of doing what you usually do, schedule something uncomfortable. For example; if you’re in mortgage sales and don’t typically pick up the phone to make cold calls, plan to call at least 10 previous clients and wish them Happy Holidays. Or, call 10 local Realtors.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for…

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