2020 – You Need A System!

PlannerWith just a few weeks until the new year, it’s time to figure out what you’re going to do to make 2020 the year you hope it will be. While inspirational quotes are a great way to get you moving, they’re not going to get you very far. You need a system…something that will guarantee that you achieve your goals through a set of routines and practices that serve as a foundation of your work.

Let’s be honest, procrastination is always an inner battle. But losing that battle has greater consequences than a missed deadline every now and then. You need to develop your own sustainable system, a set of routines and practices that serves as a foundation for your work. YOUR system doesn’t need to be complicated or all encompassing. A simple, daily routine that you can add to is what will serve you the best. Something like:

  1. Exercise your mental toughness every day – Don’t neglect your brain! Take a few minutes every morning and read something that stimulates your thinking.
  2. Exercise your body every day – When you don’t exercise, you lose focus, confidence and energy. Start every day with exercise.
  3. Schedule daily habits – What are the things that you should be doing every day to move forward in your business? Prospecting calls? Follow-up calls? Face-to-Face meetings with potential referral sources or clients? Start out slow…schedule something for only 3 days per week and time block the activity in 30 minute increments. Start out with small, achievable goals. let it become a HABIT, then increase the time you spend on the activity or the frequency.
  4. Review your day before it begins – It’s vital that you get into the habit of being intentional. Don’t let your day dictate to you who you are and what you want to accomplish.

Let’s be honest…we will always want to procrastinate. However, with a sustainable system that’s your own, you CAN be productive in spite of that. Time block an hour out of your schedule TODAY (not tomorrow) and get it done. You’ll be glad you did…

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