Bees & Flies…

My sister-in-law posted something today that caught my interest and was actually quite thought provoking. The quote above says, “Bees don’t waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit.” I thought that was profound.

Over the last 10 years or so I’ve spent most of my time trying to convince loan officers that what I was offering (employment wise) was better than what they had. I wasn’t doing this because I was bonused on the people I hired or had to fill some sort of quota. I truly believed that what my company was offering was indeed, better. I’m a firm believer in Zig Ziglar’s quote:

“You can have everything in life you want if you’ll only help enough other people get what they want.”

However, trying to convince someone to make a change when they are content is extremely difficult. I learned that someone who is happy with a Snickers Bar will seldom be willing to expend the effort to trade up for a Costco Chocolate Cake. As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s absolutely true. Contentment is the #1 hindrance to success.

Are you content where you are?

Has your contentment caused you to lose your desire for more?

Has your entrepreneurial spirit waned?

Take the time TODAY to evaluate where you are in your career. Someone once told me that if you are not constantly moving forward, you’re losing ground. I believe that.

Something to think about…

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